Female compatriots should be cautious about fitness and be careful to cause gynecological diseases

1, abnormal menstruation

Foreign experts surveyed engaged in young women with relatively large amounts of exercise. Menstrual abnormalities accounted for a large proportion of them, mostly manifested as delayed menarche, irregular cycles, secondary amenorrhea, etc., and the greater the amount of exercise, the later the age of menarche. The main reason is that intense exercise inhibits the function of the hypothalamus, causes dysfunction of the endocrine system, affects the normal level of sex hormones in the body, and thus interferes with the formation and cycle of normal menstruation.


2. Uterine sagging

Women's excessive exercise, especially weightlifting, can increase abdominal pressure and cause a temporary decrease in the uterus, but no uterine prolapse occurs. If the long-term overload exercise, uterine prolapse occurs. Some people have tested that when a woman with normal uterine position has a weight of 20 kilograms, there is no obvious change in the position of the cervix; when the weight is 40 kg, the cervix has a significant downward shift.


3, ovarian rupture

Strenuous activity, heavy lifting, abdominal compression, and impact can all cause the rupture of the ovary, causing pain in the lower abdomen and even affecting the entire abdomen. Ovarian rupture generally occurs on the 10th to 18th days of the menstrual cycle. 80% of the corpus luteum or corpus luteum cysts rupture and the abdominal cavity punctures blood.

4, endometriosis

Strenuous exercise during menstruation may cause menstrual blood to flow backward from the uterine cavity into the pelvic cavity, and endometrial debris with menstrual blood may be implanted in the ovary to form a cyst. After getting endometriosis, patients often experience progressive dysmenorrhea, often causing infertility.

5, vulva trauma


Inadequate activities, such as the genital area and the bike's seat, cross file or other hard objects collide, prone to genital hematoma, severe injuries to the urethra and vagina, and even pelvic. The genital labia majora is loose in the subcutaneous tissue, and the venous plexus is abundant and superficial. It is easy to cause blood vessel rupture and hemorrhage after impact by external forces, resulting in a large area of ​​congestion.

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